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Below are 11 shelters for homeless in Kings, NY County.

Covenant House New York - Brooklyn Community Resource Center
Brooklyn, NY - 11206
(718) 452-6730

The Covenant House Mission statement helps us stay true to our calling as we serve homeless kids:We who recognize God's providence and fidelity to His people are dedicated to living out His covenant among ourselves and those children we serve, with absolute respect and unconditional love. That commitment calls us to serve suffering children of the street, and to protect and safeguard all children. Just as Christ in His humanity is the visible sign of God's presence among His people, so our efforts together in the covenant community are a visible sign that effects the presence of God, working through the Holy Spirit among ourselves and our kids

Chips - Frances Residency Program (for Women & Infants)
Brooklyn, NY - 11217
(718) 237-2962

Thanks to the Frances Residency Program, many mothers in a position such as Maristella now have a better chance making it through this difficult period in their lives. The Frances Residency Program is a transitional home for nine prenatal and postnatal homeless women and their infants. The women can stay up to twelve months while they are working toward self-reliance and the acquisition of permanent housing.

Providence House - Transitional Residences (for Women & Children)
Brooklyn, NY - 11221
(718) 455-0197

Transitional Residences and Apartments:Five group residences, located in Brooklyn, Queens and Westchester, provide transitional housing and support to homeless, formerly incarcerated and abused women and their children. Our professional staff connects women to support services in the community, assists with basic life skills and helps with obtaining permanent housing. A core community of religious sisters and staff live in four of these residences and participate in everyday life with the women and families.

Providence House - Parole Resource Centers (for Women & Babies)
Brooklyn, NY - 11221
(718) 455-0197

Parole Independent Living Residence:Our sixth transitional residence houses women on parole who have graduated from our re-entry program. This residence provides recent parolees a temporary and affordable place to live, while they strive to find employment, attend job training or educational courses, and save enough money for a permanent apartment of their own.

Help Usa - Help I
Brooklyn, NY - 11207
(718) 498-4002

HELP I is a transitional housing facility for homeless families, serving 764 individuals in 191 family units. 

Help Brownsville Women's Center - Help Brownsville Women's Center (for Women)
Brooklyn, NY - 11233
(718) 345-3649

HELP USA was awarded a contract to operate the Brownsville Women's Center in 1996.  The Brownsville Women's Center provides dormitory-style transitional housing for 66 homeless single women with an emphasis on employment. The program philosophy is based in the multidisciplinary team approach with the resident being an active member of the team. The synergistic combination of therapeutic, educational, and supportive services provides a launching point for residents to rebuild their lives. Ongoing support helps maintain self-reliance. Each year, the Brownsville Women's Center exceeds the housing placement targets established by the Department of Homeless Services.

Help Usa - Help Women’s Center (for Women)
Brooklyn, NY - 11207
(718) 483-7700

HELP USA was awarded a contract to manage and operate the HELP Women's Center (formerly the Brooklyn Women's Shelter) in December 2005.  The HELP Women's Center serves single homeless women, age 18 and older. The HELP Women's Center has 40 transitional living beds and 135 assessment beds. The assessment center is designed to help clients create and implement a plan to move into transitional or permanent housing. All clients receive medical and psychiatric attention.

Providence House - Permanent Housing
Brooklyn, NY - 11221
(718) 455-0197

Two supportive, affordable housing programs are currently under development, which will provide permanent housing for graduates of our transitional housing programs. In addition, a percentage of these apartments will be set-aside for single, low-income parents from the community

Lutheran Social Services - Community House
New York, NY - 11215
(212) 870-1100

Help Usa - Help Genesis Homes
Brooklyn, NY - 11207
(718) 346-8489

"Genesis" is based on the concept that permanent housing should not only provide attractive, safe and affordable housing units, but also essential support and preventative services to help formerly homeless and low-income families remain independent.

Help Usa - Genesis Neighborhood Plaza
Brooklyn, NY - 11207
(718) 346-8489

Genesis Neighborhood Plaza is a permanent housing facility that opened its doors in 2000.  The development provides 52 apartments for low-income and special-needs families, as well as ample program space for community services.  Genesis Neighborhood Plaza (GNP) features a full-service medical clinic that is operated by the Brownsville Multi-Service Family Health Center, and a domestic violence program that provides counseling and referral services to the East Brooklyn community. GNP is first stage of a larger HELP USA development that by 2012 will provide housing and services to 150 high-need households.

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