Janus Youth Programs - Harry's Mother - Garfield Shelter (for Ages 9 to 17)
UPDATEPortland OR, 97232
Contact Phone: (503) 233-8111
Details: Founded in 1976, Harry's Mother provides comprehensive 24-hour crisis intervention, emergency shelter and individual and family counseling to runaway youth, ages 9 to 17, and their families in the Portland Metropolitan area.Operating a crisis intervention/counseling center and a confidential 12-bed shelter called Garfield House, Harry's Mother serves over 500 runaway and homeless youth and their families each year. A 24-hour Youth and Family Help Line provides immediate assistance, information and referral to 1,000 callers yearly. A national "best practice†model for Positive Youth Development, Harry's Mother has been the federally designated Basic Center program in Multnomah County since its inception.
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Question by Shadoh Adams (1 month ago): Hello, I was wondering if you guys had any open beds available for a runaway youth? He's 15 and has nowhere to go after running from home where his adopted mom was extremely violent with him after they had a pretty severe altercation that got physical and I believe he had said his adopted mom tried to hit him with an axe... But he is currently hanging around these homeless people that use drugs and I feel the need to help him ASAP. please let me know as soon as you can if you guys have any open beds to take him in ASAP. please! Thank you ❤️